About Us

TAC360 is designed to introduce you to Canada’s 67 Technology Access Centres (TACs). In just 360 seconds (6 minutes), you will get to see a 360-degree video overview of each TAC and what they have to offer. Watch them all or use the filter tool to narrow the videos down by region or industrial sector.

About the TACs and Tech-Access Canada

A Technology Access Centre (TAC) is a state-of-the-art applied research and innovation centre, affiliated with a Canadian college or cégep, that provides companies with access to cutting-edge technology and equipment, as well as a multi-disciplinary team with the expertise to turn brilliant ideas into market-ready products.

A TAC is your one-stop-shop innovation intermediary for applied R&D support and technology adoption assistance. 

TACs offer value-added R&D and innovation services to Canadian businesses—particularly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)—to develop new prototypes, scale-up processes and solve unique business challenges. They also provide customized training for industry to upgrade technical skills, and de-risk the financial investment of implementing new equipment and adopting emerging technologies. They aim to generate innovation and productivity results, while enhancing the competitiveness of their industry partners.

Companies that work with the TACs benefit from flexible intellectual property (IP) policies, and have the right to commercialize the research results and IP. TACs also help de-risk the financial investment required when taking on applied research projects by helping businesses to access and leverage government funding programs, including the Interactive Visits program supported by NRC-IRAP.

Tech-Access Canada is a national, not-for-profit organization representing the TACs. We are passionate about expanding the reach of our 67 TAC members, making their R&D support and technology adoption services accessible to all entrepreneurs and innovators across Canada, contributing to the development of a more inclusive innovation economy.

More information on Tech-Access Canada and the TACs can be found here

Profiles of the TACs, their facilities, equipment, and expertise can be found here